“Every portrait that is painted with feeling
is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion.
It is not he who is revealed by the painter;
it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas,
reveals himself.”
-Oscar Wilde

Hace poco leí que todos los retratos son un autorretrato, porque el artista vierte en su obra un poco de sí. El modelo sirve como un medio que permite comunicar las emociones y sentimientos del autor. Y aunque esto se refiere principalmente a los pintores, creo que a través de la fotografía se puede crear un resultado similar. En esta serie intenté reflejar un poco de mí, de mi confusión e incertidumbre ante el presente y el futuro.
Recently I read that every portrait is a self-portrait, because the artist pours some of himself into his piece. The model is the tool that lets the author convey his emotions and feelings. And although this refers mainly to painters, I think that through photography you can create a similar result. In this series I tried to reflect a little about myself, my confusion and uncertainty about the present and the future.